Sunday, May 2, 2010

My Journey!

I don’t know where I am going, I am in a bus, alone! I looked out of the window, and saw no vehicles. The road was serene and the streets were empty. Panicked, I wanted to get down. I looked at the driver and I am surprised to find myself driving. I closed my eyes and started to recollect. I started my journey the day I was on earth. I couldn’t drive then, I used to ride on my parents’ vehicle. Soon, my sister joined me. We used to go places together with our parents. We shared many memories, gained many experiences, gathered many ideas, explored many places. My mother and father used to drive in turns. Sometimes, I used to help my parents with their driving. It has been the same till yesterday. How do I have my vehicle today and I am driving?!

Some voices stopped my train of thoughts and I looked out of the window again. I saw my dad driving and my mother and sister waving to me from the window. Dad shouted some words, “We can’t accompany you, you should choose your path from now on”. “Why?”, I cried out in answer to his words. I shouted again and again expecting an answer. But, they seemed oblivious to my predicament. I closed my eyes and the welled up tears started rolling down my cheeks. The driver turned around, smiled and said, “This is life”.

I am able to understand now. Everyone has their own life to lead and they are the bosses of their lives. I am my boss now. I have to choose my paths, change my gears, set my speeds and fuel my life. There might be crossroads, there might be a few breakdowns, but no looking back or revisiting. There is no road back to the past. I can’t change the things, once they are done. I can’t think of the road not taken. I have to be on my guard and I should never stop.

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