Sunday, April 18, 2010

My Plans for Holidays!

I think I’m going to have a few months time before I move on to the next phase of my life, having completed my 20 years of formal education. Regardless of the span, I made my plans for these holidays and I’m keen on implementing the plans very strictly (:D). Here goes my list:

1. Read – The last book I read was “The Fountain Head” by Ayn Rand in February. I’d like to read as many books as possible in these holidays. Jane Eyre, David Copperfield, Emma, Lost Symbol are on my list. Reading doesn’t mean just these kind of books, I want to read some really useful stuff that helps me build my career.

2. Blog – Say it’s the stupid dial-up connection, or my hectic schedules, I was unable to post all these days. It has been a month or so, since I posted something on my blog. I really enjoy posting and I’m planning on going serious with blogging, starting today, hence this post :).

3. Learn JAVA – Planning on buying a good textbook and learn things on my own. Not because it’s important to learn JAVA or something, but because I enjoy programming :).

4. Join music classes – I had been nourishing this desire since school. Learning music is one of those things I want to do before I die. My inferior feelings about my voice added to my parents’ preference to academics over music and I was never able to convince myself about leaning vocal music. Till date, I have been watering my passion with just the pleasure of listening to great compositions and great voices. My sweetheart filled me with great confidence and gave my inert desire a big push and I think I am going to join the classes this month!

Besides these, there are a few other things I want to do this summer.

1.Waking up early – Nothing to do with good habits and all. The first reason is that I want to enjoy the nature’s gifts to the morning lovers. The birds chirping, Cuckoo’s cooing and above all, the fresh air. Thanks to the mango trees in our neighbors’ backyards, we aren’t missing the soft melodies of nature. Another reason, I’d like to wake up during the coolest hours of the day, and get charged to face the scorching sun all day long.

2.Take great health care – It’s easy to do this in holidays and holidays are the best time to improve my otherwise average health care system :D. Proper food habits, reducing the intake of junk, more energy drinks, nutrient rich snacks, sufficient sleep are on my mind. Would love any suggestions :).

3. Help mom with her chores – It’s so generous and sweet of my mom that she never asks me even to lift a flower. And it’s too irresponsible of me, not to help her with her work. I sincerely want to ask my mom to take a break and transfer the work to me :). Wish I’d do it! :D

4.Organize the data in my PC - Planning to get rid of unused stuff and programs I haven’t used for long time. I have this bad habit of piling up data ‘for future’ use and that will never come. I want to be strict with deleting unnecessary stuff, this time and free up space on my hard drive. I am sure I’ll do this :).

So, these are my plans and programs. Wish me happy implementing :).

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